Selkirk MB
Your Story
I am a mother of a grown daughter, as well as a daughter, sister and aunt.
Where are you from ?
Etherlbert Manitoba
Where do you live now?
Selkirk, Manitoba
Where do you work? What do they provide and what is your role?
I work as a Community Wellness Facilitator for the Interlake-Eastern RHA. My position concentrates on health promotion and education. The IERHA is the organization that employs doctors, nurses, psychologists, dieticians, counsellors, support staff, FASD program, Home Care, Physiotherapists and almost any other service you can think of.
How did you end up working where you do now?
A position came up, and I applied for it.
What does a community mean to you?
Community is not only the place where you live and work, it's a place where you feel supported and a sense of belonging. It can also be a program or a group of people you share interests and have common goals.
What community are you apart of ?
I am part of the Public Health community under the IERHA
Who else is involved in your community?
The Public Health community obviously involves, Public Health Nurses, Families First Home Visitors, Mental Health Counsellors, Palliative Care, Harm Reduction program, Chronic Disease staff, Cancer Care Navigation, and the RAAM Clinic. We have fabulous community partners and agencies that we work with.
How does everyone work together within your community?
The various positions communicate between programs to work with and provide the best possible care for individuals and families. You may see a dietician for diabetes education and if you were in need of an updated immunization you can see the public health nurse in the same building.
What are the challenges your community faces?
Our community has a struggle with the use over of drugs and alcohol sending individuals in a downward spiral. There have been fatal overdoses as a result of this.
What do you think is the impact of your community? What do they offer to others or those involved?
our community offers a variety of programs and resources to the people they are serving. If it's parenting information, immunizations, Harm Reduction, health promotion and education.
What is something you would like to create in your community or group?
To have more people informed of what our Harm Reduction Program does. Workshops, community projects, support organizations in creating or improving policy and services, and partner with peer-based organizations and groups of people who use drugs. The focus is on harm reduction, access, community building, and the inclusion of people impacted by substance use in the services and decisions that affect them. Harm reduction, equitable access and safer service delivery are important parts of supporting healthy communities.
What is your biggest reason for being apart of your community?
I see great things happening here. Everyone works together supporting the induvial we serve and the programs we work in. I enjoy working with the people here.
What has been the best outcome of your community? do you have a success story you'd like to share?
Public health in Selkirk has launched a new mobile outreach service to support community health and well–being in and around the Selkirk area. Staff members are extending the service to help those who may be affected by complex factors such as living with chronic illnesses, poverty, poor housing, inadequate transportation and/or lack of supportive networks. Public health nurses will work out of the van, one evening a week at several locations in Selkirk and the surrounding area. Among many services offered, people can access parenting support and well child assessments, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception supplies, sexually transmitted and blood borne infection testing and treatment, harm reduction information and supplies.
How has your involvement or work in the community changed you? How are your a different person now because of it?
I feel that because of the great things happening in our community, and seeing how people come together to support one another, it makes you want to be a part of something good.
What are some of the lessons you have learned?
Everyone comes from such a diverse backgrounds and have learned so much from partnering with them.
Why do you want to share your community? What do you feel its is important to let others know?
Great things happen here. We are inclusive and serve people from all walks of life and experiences.
What is one thing you really want others to know about your community or group? We are open and kind. We have a lot of progressive thinkers and that is so very helpful when you are in the 'business' of helping others.